Wednesday, September 11, 2013

In Disguise

Most often than not I always treat bad days as bad. (you know what i mean) ;). Guilty as charge I'm always like that. But then I realized that it was not that bad after all.

I was about to finish my off. Then suddenly my screen turn BLACK! The culprit was the water all over the number keypad! :( I was totally shocked, speechless, unable to breath.(that's an exaggeration) ;).  But can you imagine the picture? I manage to calm myself (breath in, breath out. It always work :)) When we were at the IT office, I never thought that I'll get a new laptop. I was thinking the IT guy will fix it or he'll get me an old working pc. To my surprise he asked me to fill out a form for a new laptop! :) Yes i got a new and a lighter one. Higher RAM and much better specs. Even my office mates envy it. HAHAHA. They even joke to spilled water on their PC too. On that moment I felt that I was a very lucky person. :D Indeed it was a Blessing in Disguise!

Here's the pics:

If this happens to you, you know what to do. :) Just take a deep breath, smile and move on. Let life SURPRISE you! You'll be amaze of the result. I love to hear your experiences too. Feel free to place your comment below. God Bless. <3.

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